Donald McCarthy


July 2024 - A short story titled "Those Who Help Themselves" in the anthology Last-Ditch.

February 2024 - My short story "Runner" has been dramatized for the Creepy Podcast.

November 2023 - A short story called "Wish You Were Here" in Issue 13 of Ad Astra.

October 2023 - A new horror sci-fi short story titled "The Four Bill Club" in issue 35 of Mythaxis Magazine.

March 2023 - Short story titled "The Ghost of the Good Old Boys" appearing in Dark Dead Things: Issue One.

November 2022 - Short story called "Medication Change" at the web magazine Commuter Lit

October 2022 = Short story called "The Hour of the Wolf" reprinted in Neosapiens: Best of NewMyths Anthology Volume III

October 2022 - Essay entitled 'beautiful death - A Love For Autumn' appearing in Drexel University's The Smart

August 2022 - Short story appearing 'Woke Up Like This' appearing in 'That is TOO Wrong! An anthology of Offbeat Horror: Vol II, available on Amazon.

July 2022 - New Story "The Dead World" available in Dark Horses Magazine.


Donald McCarthy currently lives on Long Island in New York. He is a graduate of City College of New York's MFA program and tutors and teaches at SUNY Old Westbury. His writing has appeared in Huffington Post, Salon, Alternet, Pseudopod, The Progressive Populist, Screen Spy, KZine, The Washington Pastime, and more.

Because everyone loves to hear about favorites, here are his: his favorite film is Mulholland Drive, favorite book is Duma Key, favorite poem is Richard Cory, favorite album is The Rising, and favorite television show is The Sopranos.

Oddly enough, he has an extreme dislike of cheese and doesn't see what's so special about the beach.